Lesson from a Comic Con: Wear a Nametag

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I love going to comic conventions. Okay, that’s not so secret. I tweet about that kind of thing all the time. My husband is an avid collector of comic books and original comic art. So I went to my first comic-con years ago...

Why Proofreading is Cuter Than a Kitten

The Internet is a war zone. You are competing for the ultimate prize of your audience’s attention. If your blog post is riddled with proofreading errors… oh look, there’s a video of a kitten playing with string! Proofreading errors distract from your message. In the...

Copyblogger Certified

After rigorous training and a challenging application process, I am thrilled to announce that I am now a Copyblogger-certified content marketer. I have been biting my nails in anticipation of the response to my application for a month. Copyblogger is the leading name...