I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I love going to comic conventions. Okay, that’s not so secret. I tweet about that kind of thing all the time. My husband is an avid collector of comic books and original comic art. So I went to my first comic-con years ago...
The Internet is a war zone. You are competing for the ultimate prize of your audience’s attention. If your blog post is riddled with proofreading errors… oh look, there’s a video of a kitten playing with string! Proofreading errors distract from your message. In the...
After rigorous training and a challenging application process, I am thrilled to announce that I am now a Copyblogger-certified content marketer. I have been biting my nails in anticipation of the response to my application for a month. Copyblogger is the leading name...
Crafting a provocative headline is Writing 101. It’s something all professional writers (or anyone who has received any education in writing) are taught to do. But writing a headline for the Web is a whole different ballgame. Online you have to contend with a million...
There are lots of things you should be doing with your blog posts to make them more readable and shareable. But sometimes it’s easier to see what TO do when you see what NOT to do.