Achieving Your SEO Growth Goals on the Voices of Search Podcast

by | Speaking Engagements & Podcasts

In my second conversation with Jordan Koene for the Voices of Search podcast, we talk about how content creators often feel torn between writing for people and optimizing for search engines. This tension creates challenges — but there are also opportunities for innovation and better engagement.

In this interview, we discuss:

  • Setting content KPIs around experience and engagement
  • The human element in SEO, and the real impact of generative AI on audience trust. I share some of my academic findings here, and I hope every SEO expert and content marketer sits up and pays attention!
  • Moving beyond writing for paper personas, and why it’s crucial to understand deeply who you are writing for.
  • Using the audience’s own language in your content to enhance resonance and build trust.

We also got into some nitty-gritty about:

  • Tailoring content for different audience segments within the same organization.
  • Knowing when to update content.

Listen to the full episode here!