Free Resources
Rise above the competition with more effective event marketing emails. In this tip sheet, you’ll find Horizon Peak’s best practices for writing emails that attract and engage event attendees.
Increase your lead scores, build relationship with your audience, and launch your campaigns quickly and confidently with these demand-gen email tips.
Throwing content spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks is never a good marketing strategy. Use this infographic as a thinking tool with your team to plan your topics around where your audience is in the awareness spectrum, so you can deliver content that meets them right where they are.
Latest Blogs
Lesson from a Comic Con: Wear a Nametag
I learn marketing tricks in the darnedest places. Here’s a powerful lesson I learned at Denver Comic Con that you can put into practice in your business right now.
Why Proofreading is Cuter Than a Kitten
The Internet is a war zone. You are competing for the ultimate prize of your audience’s attention. Don’t let those cute kitten videos win out over your business’s message!
Copyblogger Certified
After rigorous training and a challenging application process, I am thrilled to announce that I am now a Copyblogger-certified content marketer.