When my baby girl was born last year, we ordered a popular smart sock to give us peace of mind at night while she slept. About six months after we began using it, the battery started to malfunction. It wasn’t holding a charge long enough to get through the...
Chances are you’ve heard a fundamental truth in business: People prefer to do business with people they know, like and trust. I would argue that for B2B businesses, trust is the most important factor in that maxim. It’s one thing to say this, though, and quite another...
There’s a good reason I often recommend thought leadership content as part of a content marketing strategy for technology companies. It works! A quick definition: Thought leadership content is insight and wisdom shared from someone deemed a trusted source in a...
It’s been interesting over the last few years to see how content has crossed boundaries, sometimes squeezing through the cracks between departmental silos. The line between sales prospecting and content marketing has certainly been one of the most impactful places...
If you have a content strategy plan built from a deep understanding of who your clients are as human beings, HOORAY! Now it’s time to execute that strategy. (On the other hand, if you have skipped the necessary step of building a content marketing strategy, DO NOT...
Content marketing is an investment in your business and, like any business investment, you want to make sure you get a good ROI. I see many organizations struggle to make the numbers work. And I’ve seen the anxiety this can provoke. If you spend money on strategy, is...