Your customers want you to engage with them. That might be hard to swallow, given how much marketing noise people are exposed to every day, and how many new ways people have come up with to filter out that noise. But it’s absolutely true. In fact, customers are...
When clients come to me, they’re often trying to solve some specific problems. Something just isn’t working right. They’re not getting the results they’re after. They understand they’re behind the curve in some way. The good thing is that most of those problems are...
Would you use a map that had your starting point and final destination, but no clear path from one to the other? Probably not. No, definitely not. That’s a useless map! Something that’s driving me nuts right now as I’m researching the content marketing...
Imagine this: You’ve been going to the gym regularly for a few weeks and you’ve noticed the same good-looking person there almost every time. You’re single, and this person is piquing your interest. You work up the nerve to finally make small-talk with them about one...
This post is brought to you by guest writer Natalie Smithson. Natalie is a Digital Innovation Copywriter working with ambitious, talented, big-hearted people who want to make the world a better and more inventive place using technology. Artificial intelligence...
Lately I’ve been having a lot of phone calls with companies — big and small — that go something like this: Them: “We’re so excited to get going on this project! Our marketing strategy is still ‘under construction,’ but this white paper is going to kick everything off...