“Freemium” is still a go-to business model for SaaS companies that want to build relationships with customers, with the goal of eventually offering add-ons, enhanced storage or advanced features at an extra cost. With a freemium model (as opposed to a free trial,...
Somewhere along the way, business and robots became correlated. I don’t know when it happened. Perhaps it was somewhere around the dawn of the computer age. But at some point, “professional” language began to equate to humorless, jargony, complex writing. I am always...
What is the right cadence for a drip email sequence or lead nurture email campaign? In other words, how often should you send new emails? Best practices say to email more frequently in the early part of the email sequence, and less frequently in the later stage … But...
There’s a reason fairy tales and ghost stories resonate with us, even as adults: Human beings are wired to love stories. Storytelling is how we explain the unexplainable — and narrative is how we communicate our experiences. Story is a fundamental element of human...
“Do you have a template that could be used to extract the messages and objectives out of our product marketing team in order to write content? I feel like we struggle getting/giving you the right information sometimes. Looking for something as simple as possible that...